Al Millan &
the Robots Return For ‘PEOPLE FIRST’ BENEFIT in SLO
Former local band to converge on Central Coast with
passion for rock ‘n’ roll and community involvement.
Al Millan & the Robots attack Odd Fellows!!!!!
Forget Terminator and Transformers; here's the real
summer blockbuster! (7/16/09)
This just in…
New Seamen CD in the works. Just when no one thought
it was possible the “Ahhh forgetta ‘bout it” band,
the Mystic Seamen, are up to their old tricks again.
Below is a copy of a napkin discovered among
broken glass and ruble at the lounge at the St
Francis Hotel in San Francisco. When
questioned, guitarist, Jeffrey Millan, said, “Were
we ever there?” Yes, apparently. According to
unnamed sources and spy chief, Willie Catcha Fly, “I
have a bar tab to prove it! Twelve dollars for a
bowl of pop corn - Can you believe it?”
It looks like the new “Tales of the Mystic Seamen”
will include;

It was over heard that Jevon Millan
would be Executive Producer.
A video rights deal is also being inked to include
Jeffrey Alan Millan and Jenna Millan. Jenna claimed,
“We hope to capture the raw essence of some of the
songs and camaraderie of the band. We’re sick of all
these break up/heart break songs and stories. Fans
want to see what they've been reading about in the
tabloids all of these years.”
“No problem” says associate, Jeffrey
Alan, “We’re going to dish it out and lay it on
thick – Kamikazes, the heartbreaks and all the
Sneak Preview of the upcoming release, “Tender
Loving…” to be included in the
Tales of the Mystic Seaman.

Lesa Connell, lead vocalist on
Tender Loving.
Windsor family band creates new CD, awaits word
from Hollywood, By Bert Williams
The Windsor
Times December 31, 2003 (full article)
The Mystic Seamen’s NEW CD Dusk Not
Doom was officially released on December 20, 2003. A raging party
took place in the small Town of Windsor not far from the Sonoma
Coast, just a crow’s flight north of the San Francisco Bay.
Musicians, friends and family from as far away as Boston, Austin,
Texas and Los Angeles attended the soirée.

You can buy Mystic Seamen CDs at: